Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Saagar. At some point, I started chasing down good food from every cuisine and culture I could find. Whenever I traveled, food was front-and-center in my mind, much to my companions' annoyance. I've proudly been curating a "food map" for the past few years - a collection of food places throughout the world that I've saved on Google Maps to cherish, remember, and recommend. 

But I didn't cook.

Actually, I couldn't cook. The extent of my culinary knowledge was how to preheat an oven and operate a microwave. When I first started this blog, I found myself with plenty of time on my hands, a paycheck arriving every two weeks, and a brand new city to explore, so I chose to begin the journey.

Originally, my hope for this blog was to showcase how I grew in my food knowledge over the course of 10 weeks. I only planned on writing about food. With time passing and an adaptable canvas, however, I decided to enlarge the scope to writing about anything I found interesting.

Welcome to my spot on the web.