Saagar Pateder

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A7. Abbreviations Used

  • BE: Breakthrough Energy

  • BESS: Battery Energy Storage System (alternatively, Battery Electricity Storage System)

  • CCUS: Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (or sequestration)

  • DAC: Direct Air Capture

  • EIA: Energy Information Administration (US)

  • FERC: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (US)

  • IEA: International Energy Agency

  • IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN)

  • ITC: Investment Tax Credit

  • LCOE: Levelized Cost of Electricity

  • LLNL: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (US)

  • MISO: Midcontinent Independent System Operator

  • NREL: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (US)

  • PTC: Production Tax Credit

  • REC: Renewable Energy Credit

  • RPS: Renewable Portfolio Standard

  • SMR: Steam Methane Reforming

  • VRE: Variable Renewable Energy