Fulfilling Potential

I wasn’t exactly sure what to call this, but this morning at work I had a particular scene from Good Will Hunting flash through my mind, where Will and Chuckie are finishing up a day’s work. It’s really solid (both the scene and the movie as a whole), and one of those things I’ve mentally catalogued in “Movies I want my kids to watch”

I’ve been gifted throughout my life so far with a hand most people haven’t gotten to play. There are times are I want to just call it in - find some easy, decently-paying job and retire early to just mess around and do whatever. But I don’t think that’s fair - being dealt the cards that I’ve received comes with a moral obligation (or, so I feel) to use it for the betterment of the world. I don’t have to — no one really gets much of a say on what I do with my life besides myself — but it is, in a sense, the “right” thing to do.

Just something that I think about as I go into work. I may not like every aspect of it, but I do owe it to those who have dealt me pocket aces to get the most out of it.