I like cars, technology, design, and photography, to name a few things.

This blog is inspired by my father's. Over the years, he's created a personal refuge on the web for himself, writing about books read, quotes remembered, and events experienced. My goal is similar - I want to share all the interesting things I encounter. I hope you enjoy!


Here are the different lessons that I’ve learned studying liberal arts, business, and engineering, and here’s the presentation I gave for my Plan II Honors thesis, 1800 to 0.

My reading list has all of my favorite texts that I’ve read - some entertaining, some impactful (to me), some touching. I’ve also written some thoughts on This is Water and The Disadvantages of an Elite Education.

I strongly believe in effective altruism (EA), and donate 20% of my pre-tax salary, most commonly to the Maximum Impact Fund at GiveWell. If you’re interested in learning more, I would highly encourage you to check out Givewell’s website, this primer on EA, or perhaps this article in the Atlantic by Derek Thompson. I also wrote a bit about charities here.

Here’s my rejection resume, along with a message about moving forward. My “last lecture” is coming soon.


A bit more about me.


My kind of art.